What To Expect

Bible Study - 9:00am on Sundays

We get together in the auditorium and our preacher, David, leads our thoughts. The format is open and conversational. All people, all questions, all perspectives are more than welcome. After all, if we can’t live in peace despite our differences, aren’t we missing the point?

Worship - 10:00am on Sundays

How it works:
We are only what we bring.

How it looks:
No single person is in charge of generating a worship service. Instead, all are welcome to pray, start a song, read, or speak as they are moved.

While we don’t have any issue with instruments, we don’t happen to have any, either. We just sing together.

We bookend our services with the bread and the cup.

How it feels:

Honestly, it’s not always perfect. Which is, in its own way, perfect. If we are what we bring, we ought to expect really great, meaningful, wonderful moments along with moments that are awkward and silent — messy.

But in all of those moments we know this: We are bringing all that we have, and God’s Spirit is with us.